Judges and Judging Criteria

Meet the SA Chefs Competitions Director
Gregory Henderson
Email: competitions@sachefs.co.za

SA Chefs Licenced Judges
Being a SA Chefs licensed Judge will give you the opportunity to judge the culinary competitions within South Africa under the South African Chefs
Association, having sufficient judging experience will also count to your requirements of being a certified Worldchefs judge (completely separate
process and administration)
Designation Description |
SA Chefs Marshal |
SA Chefs Regional Judges |
SA Chefs Apprentice judge |
SA Chefs National Judge |
SA Chefs International Judge |
Member in good standing of SA Chefs (1) |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Must be able to communicate in English (read and write) |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Must have completed a judge’s application |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Culinary Educator or Non Competing chef |
x |
x |
– |
– |
– |
Professionally qualified (2) |
x |
x |
x |
Permanently Employed (3) (*) |
x |
x |
x |
Industry experience of at least 4 years |
x |
x |
Shadow judged in 3 competitions (****) |
x |
x |
Competed in competitions within 3 years of application (4) and (**) |
x |
x |
World Chefs Judging experience (***) |
x |
SA Chefs Official Judges Ranks:
- SA Chefs A – National level judge with experience in Worldchefs judging
- SA Chefs B – National level judge
- SA Chefs C – Apprentice judge
- SA Chefs Marshal – Kitchen Judge specifically
It is vital for the member to know that the seminar does not automatically qualify him/her to be a fully licensed judge, and that there are additional criteria needed to achieve this status.
The seminar will certify the member as an automatic Level C judge for the period of 5 years (from valid judge seminar) should the below criteria not be met.
**(Designation and Description table to be inserted)**
(1) Per the SA Chefs Rules
(2) NQF qualification level 4 or higher in culinary arts
(3) Sous Chef Level or higher in a professional kitchen,
or Self-employed in a reputable establishment
or be a chef educator
(4) Three local competitions or one international competition
* Should be in a position higher than junior educator
** Or have shown competition history within the last six years within SA Chefs or World Chefs,
*** Ideally with World Chefs certification or completed the World Chefs judging course
**** Or have endorsement from the SA Chefs President and Director of Competitions
Having endorsement from the SA Chefs President and Director of Competitions may supersede the above conditions where necessary.
To become and SA Chefs licensed judge, you would need to meet the minimum requirements as well as have been certified in a judge’s seminar.
If anyone is left off the list or if there are errors, or to request licensed judges for your event, please email competitions@sachefs.co.za
SA Chefs Judges Seminars
SA Chefs has a Judges roll that has certified and duly certified and licensed judges. Licensed Judges will make sure that a fair and consistent level is achieved throughout SA Chefs and Allied competitions by following a carefully set and current judging criteria along with standardized competition rules and guidelines in line with World Chefs.

SA Chefs Judges
Becoming a licensed SA Chefs Judge
There is a set of requirements that needs to me met to be eligible to become a licensed judge along with that a member would need to attend and pass the criteria in a judges seminar, having attended the Competition Seminar is one part of the process, and does not automatically qualify you as a SA Chefs Licensed Judge. Members applications would need to be evaluated at the competitions seminar to be licensed, or in the event the seminar is the first step the applicant would be evaluated by the Competitions Committee (cc) and provide evidence of support in a formal application process to support their application .
Contact Us
Give us a shout on email, phone or fill out the form with your details so that we can get back to you.
email: info@sachefs.co.za
phone: (011) 482 7250